Silk and Stem Cells May Help Engineer Salivary Glands for Dry Mouth

Xerostomia is a medical term used for dry mouth due to non-functioning or low-producing of salivary glands. Dry Mouth can lead to eating and speech problems, bad breath, increase in dental cavities and mouth infection. Dry mouth could be caused by many things including certain medications, age, cancer treatments, dehydration, tobacco, exercising, anxiety disorders, If…

Stop Drinking Sugary Energy Drinks!

We’ve all had those dreadful tried moments throughout the day that causes us to crave an energy drink; however, once you gulp down your liquid energy it comes with a price. Just after five energy drinks it secretly eats away at your tooth enamel which leads to dental cavities. Dental cavities are caused by bacteria…

Teeth Can Last A Lifetime

Did you know that teeth can actually last a lifetime?  It’s true.  For many of us, proper brushing, flossing and visits to the dentist ensure our teeth last a lifetime says a dentist in Marietta, GA.  Teeth are composed of a soft center and hard outer surface.  Surprisingly, this outer surface, the enamel is the…

Dental Implants Replace Missing Teeth

Replacing missing teeth with dental implants is becoming the standard of care says Marietta dentist, Kirk Kimmerling.  More and more people are candidates for dental implants because of the use of a bone grafting procedure.  The added bone helps secure the implant for success by making the bone wider and deeper. What is a dental implant asks many patients?…

Time Matters When A Tooth Is Knocked Out

Do you know how to handle an emergency situation when someone has knocked a tooth out in an accident?  Many people unexpectantly lose teeth every year due to accidents in the United States says emergency dentist in Marietta, GA.  “It’s best to be prepared and know how best to handle the situation,” says Kirk Kimmerling…

Teething…What to Expect!

When will my baby start teething so I’m prepared, asks many new mothers?  Most babies usually start the teething process between four and seven months says Marietta dentist.  Early bloomers can see a tooth appear as early as three months and for late bloomers, it’s almost a year.  In rare cases, a child is born with a…

Body, Mouth And Mind Connection

Have you seen information in the news about a “healthier mouth means a  healthier you?”  Although there are many aesthetic reasons to maintain a healthy mouth, the most important is the rest of your body, says Marietta dentist.  There is a growing wealth of scientific evidence demonstrating the connection between oral health and the risk of serious disease.  Gums and teeth…